this page will be set up to look like the actual product instead of just a list of elements
Network map
This network map shows two pipes joining at a node. Node N0 has a higher pressure than N3, so there is a pressure discontinuity at the end of pipe P0, which connects node N0 to node N1.
Pipe P0 has been drawn in red because of this pressure discontinuity.
A valve, represented by the blue circle, has been added to pipe P0.
Node | Temp (°C) | Pressure (Bar) | Flow rate (in, out) (kg/s) |
join-N0 | 493 | 20 | 0, 0 |
join-N1 | 493 | 0.09984274342840437 | 0, 0 |
join-N2 | 493 | 19.999998428670708 | 0, 0 |
join-N3 | 493 | 0.1 | 0, 0 |
Pressure values are only calculated on initialisation or when a pipe segment receives a new source or destination node. The pipes were created in the order shown below, which means the pressure at N2 is only calculated once, before N3 is connected to N1. N2 is unaware of the change that affected the pressure at N1, so the calculated pressure remains what it was when N1 was only connected to N0.
Pipe | Source | Destination | Length (m) |
join-P0 | join-N0 | join-N1 | 200 |
join-P1 | join-N1 | join-N2 | 200 |
join-P2 | join-N3 | join-N1 | 200 |